The Many Rubber Tree Benefits for Health

The rubber tree is native to the Amazonian rainforest and is widely cultivated throughout many countries worldwide. The most notable feature of the rubber tree is the white sap, known as latex which flows freely from the tree when the bark is removed. A rubber tree is also referred to as a rubber wood.

The magnificent leaves of the rubber tree are popular due to the many medicinal benefits that it provides. One of their benefits and not restricted to is their ability to remove pollutants from the air by synthesizing them and their assistance in natural purification.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Benefits
The Many Rubber Tree Benefits For Health

Apart from the benefits, knowing if the rubber tree is poisonous to animals and plants is also essential.

Related: 18 Great Rubber Tree Varieties To Grow Indoors Or Outdoors

Health Benefits Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

With the growing demand for health care and the high escalating costs, it’s no wonder that many people are opting for natural herbal remedies. The rubber tree provides immense health benefits. Below are some of those benefits.

Rubber Trees Purify The Air

It is vital to check the environment and ensure that the air we breathe is pure and not prone to diseases. According to the NASA clean air study, some indoor trees can help remove pollutants from the air and make it fresh. The rubber tree fits this profile.

The rubber tree helps by increasing humidity within a room while preventing the pollutants and unwanted particles from turning into dust and harming the respiratory system. Placing a rubber tree in your home can help reduce the chances of respiratory allergies, which often lead to health issues like asthma.

Rubber plantation trees
Yay Rubber plantation trees

Rubber Tree Is A Natural Anti- Inflammatory

The rubber tree serves as an anti-inflammatory in the following ways;

Helps To Cure Skin Rash

The leaves of the rubber tree have the power to cure skin rash. You can follow a simple home remedy by mashing the fresh rubber leaves using a potato masher. Once mashed, you can apply the mashed leaves to the infected area. Leave the mixture on the infected area until it has completely dried.

The mixture will have a cooling effect on the skin by reducing inflammation. Wipe the infected area after an hour using Dettol.

Treats Gum Diseases and Mouth Inflammation

Rubber tree leaves help in the treatment of gum disease and mouth inflammation. You can place the mashed leaves in a cup of water and gargle once every morning and evening. This solution is excellent for curing mouth ulcers and controlling gum disease.

Cures Rheumatic Diseases

The roots of the rubber tree can also help cure rheumatic diseases. You can follow a simple home remedy by combining 30-50 grams of its roots with two glasses of water and bringing to a boil until the roots have completely evaporated into the water. Drink the mixture once it has cooled. Ensure that you repeat this process once every morning.

Rubber tree plantation in thailand
Yay Rubber tree plantation in Thailand

Controls Obesity

Obesity has become an enormous health challenge and can trigger many other diseases like diabetes, health diseases, stroke, and even cancer. A simple natural home remedy using a rubber tree leaf can help control obesity.

Add one tablespoon of mashed leaf to a cup of boiling water. Combine one teaspoon of lemon juice into the mixture and drink twice daily. Many people use this concoction to assist in weight loss, despite having no solid scientific evidence to back up this claim.

Promotes Stomach Health

The rubber tree has been used in many Asian countries to keep the stomach healthy. It is a natural ingredient that does not contain any artificial chemicals. Many prefer to boil the plant and drink it as a tea to help alleviate constipation.

How Can Different Parts Of The Rubber Tree Benefit Humans?

It is not uncommon to find that every part of the rubber tree is beneficial to humans.

The Benefits Of The Leaves Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

The leaves of the rubber tree can be used to control coughs. It is also a great antiseptic for insect bites and helps reduce skin irritation and itching caused by these bites.

The rubber tree leaves are used to control weight loss and obesity. Many chefs also use young rubber tree leaves in salads.

Rubber fig Ficus elastica
Yay Rubber tree – Ficus elastica

Benefits Of The Root Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

The rubber tree’s roots can be beneficial in healing cuts, wounds, and sores. Rubber tree roots have been used for medicinal purposes to cure rheumatic disease.

Benefits Of The Stem Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

Latex can be obtained from the bark of the stem and is used to treat trichuriasis. Latex is used in the manufacture of rubber, which is used to produce many products. Latex can also help heal corns and warts.

The rubber tree stem assists in getting rid of parasitic worms from our bodies. It is also effective in managing blood pressure and helps relieve osteoarthritis. It has also been known to be effective in the prevention of hypertension.

Benefits Of The Fruit Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

The fruit of the rubber tree helps with nausea and stomach pain. Also assists with indigestion. Helps with constipation and cure mouth sores and inflammation.

Benefits Of The Seeds/Kernels Of The Rubber Tree To Humans

The rubber tree kernels/ seeds consist of oil used to make soaps, paints, and varnishes. It is also effective in combating lice and house flies. The seeds are used in the treatment of muscle joints and pains.

Milk of rubber tree flows into a wooden bowl
Yay Milk of rubber tree flows into a wooden bowl

Are Rubber Trees Toxic To Children And Pets?

As a word of caution: There are various types of rubber trees, and a few of them are considered toxic to household pets. Often pets and children are likely to be tempted to chew on a rubber tree, usually out of curiosity.

If children mistakenly ingest the leaves, immediately gargle with salt water and seek medical attention.

Rubber Trees That Are Toxic For Children And Pets

Japanese, Chinese. Jade and Indian rubber trees are toxic to children and pets. The rubber tree needs to be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Side Effects When The Toxic Rubber Trees Are Ingested

When the rubber tree is ingested it can have side effects of vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, depression. It can also cause skin irritation, which can lead to inflammation and redness. Try to seek immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms are experienced.

Can A Rubber Tree Bring Good Luck To Humans?

The round leaves of the rubber tree are regarded in Feng Shui as a symbol of money and prosperity. It is a common belief that when the tree is placed in homes, it fosters abundance, fortune, and an increase in wealth.

There is also a belief amongst Vastu and Feng Shui that the tree helps maintain a balance of energy in the household. The belief is that the correct placement of the rubber tree in a home can bring about commercial success and wealth.

Are Rubber Trees Good Indoor Plants?

Rubber Trees are excellent houseplants as they are low-light tolerant and clean the indoor air from pollutants. They are also low-maintenance making it simple enough for even the amateur gardener. Although not all rubber trees are toxic, keeping small children and pets out of reach might be best.


The rubber tree is essential for every home and has incredible natural benefits. It is hard to believe that one plant can possess so many benefits. In my opinion, the rubber tree should be renamed “The Miracle Tree”.