19 Evergreen Trees In Connecticut

The state of Connecticut is home to a number of different types of evergreen trees. While not all of these trees are native to the state, they can be found throughout Connecticut due to the many different climates that can be found here. From the small, delicate balsam fir to the tall and imposing white pine, there is an evergreen tree for everyone in Connecticut. Learn more about some of these trees and their uses in this blog post.

The state of Connecticut has a few different climates, which means that there are a number of different types of evergreen trees that can be found here. The northern part of the state has a colder climate and is home to trees like the balsam fir and the white spruce. These trees are both small and delicate, with needles that are soft to the touch. They are often used in Connecticut as Christmas trees.

Connecticut is also home to the Fraser fir, which can be found throughout Connecticut. This tree has dark green needles that are densely packed together and give “the feel of velvet.” The colors on this tree range from medium green to dark green depending on where it is grown. These trees are commonly used for landscaping purposes, but can also be used as Christmas trees.

Related: 21 Most Common Trees In Connecticut

Let’s look at the most common evergreen trees in the state of Connecticut.

1. Atlantic White Cedar (chamaecyparis thyoides)

Atlantic White Cedar
Kathja Schulz Atlantic White Cedar

This tree can be found throughout Connecticut, growing in low-lying areas and by the Connecticut River. It is well adapted to the Connecticut climate and grows well in poor soil conditions.

2. Norway Spruce (picea abies)

Picea abies
Frank Richards Picea abies

The Norway spruce is Connecticut’s tallest evergreen tree at heights of up to 80 feet tall. It can be found throughout the state, but is most commonly found in the northern part. This tree has dark green needles and cones that are about 2 inches long.

3. Eastern Redcedar (juniperus virginiana)

Eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana
Nicholas A. Tonelli Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

The Connecticut climate is well suited for the eastern redcedar, which can be found throughout Connecticut. This tree has a pyramidal growth pattern and can grow to reach heights of 60 feet tall. The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection states that this tree was once used as windbreaks in Connecticut, but has since been removed from residential areas.

4. Red Pine (pinus resinosa)

Public Domain Red Pine – Pinus Resinosa

The red pine is a tall tree that can be found throughout Connecticut. It has long needles that are a deep green color and small cones that are about 1 inch long. This tree is often used for commercial purposes, such as in Christmas tree plantations.

5. White Pine (pinus strobus)

White Pine Pinus strobus
Plant Image Library White Pine (Pinus strobus)

The white pine is Connecticut’s second-tallest evergreen tree, reaching heights of up to 80 feet tall. It can be found throughout the state, but is most common in the northern part. This Connecticut tree has long, thin needles that are soft to the touch. The Connecticut Forest & Park Association calls this Connecticut’s “most important forest tree.”

6. White Spruce (picea glauca)

White Spruce Picea glauca
SJQuinney White Spruce (Picea glauca)

This Connecticut evergreen is one of Connecticut’s most popular Christmas trees. It grows in low-lying areas and can reach heights of up to 50 feet tall. It has stiff needles that are a deep green color and small cones that are about 1 inch long.

7. Balsam Fir (abies balsamea)

Abies balsamea Balsam Fir
Plant Image Library Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir)

This Connecticut tree is a popular Christmas tree, as its needles have a pleasant scent. It can be found throughout the state and typically reaches heights of up to 40 feet tall. It has dense, dark green needles that are about 1 inch long.

8. Black Spruce (picea mariana)

Black spruces Picea mariana
Nicholas A. Tonelli Black spruces (Picea mariana)

The black spruce is Connecticut’s most common spruce tree. It can be found throughout the state and typically reaches heights of up to 50 feet tall. It has stiff needles that are a deep green color and small cones that are about 1 inch long.

9. Eastern Hemlock (tsuga canadensis)

Tsuga canadensis
Plant Image Library Tsuga canadensis

This Connecticut evergreen has a pyramid-shaped growth pattern and can be found throughout Connecticut. It typically reaches heights of up to 100 feet tall, but is shorter in Connecticut due to the state’s colder climate. This tree has long needles that are green on top with white underneath. The Connecticut Forest & Park Association calls the eastern hemlock Connecticut’s “most important tree.”

10. Western Arborvitae (thuja plicata)

Thuja plicata
F. D. Richards Thuja plicata

The Connecticut climate is well-suited for the western arborvitae, which can be found throughout Connecticut. This Connecticut evergreen has a pyramidal growth pattern and can reach about 50 feet tall in Connecticut. It typically has dense foliage that is green year-round.

11. American Holly (ilex opaca)

The American holly is Connecticut’s only holly tree. It can be found throughout the state and typically reaches heights of up to 25 feet tall. It has broad, dark green leaves and red berries that are a favorite food of songbirds. The Connecticut Forest & Park Association calls this Connecticut tree “a vital part of our native vegetation.”

12. Common Yew (taxus baccata)

Taxus Baccata
David Ceballos Taxus Baccata

This Connecticut evergreen typically reaches heights of up to 40 feet tall, but is shorter in Connecticut due to the state’s colder climate. It has dark green needles and red berries. This Connecticut tree is so common that it can be found growing in Connecticut’s forests, yards and even roadsides.

13. Southern Magnolia (magnolia grandiflora)

Southern Magnolia
B A Bowen Photography Southern Magnolia

This Connecticut evergreen has dark green leaves that are leathery in texture. It typically reaches about 60 feet tall and can be found throughout Connecticut, although it is less common in the northern part of the state.

14. Eastern Arborvitae (thuja occidentalis)

Thuja occidentalis
Dan Keck Thuja occidentalis

This Connecticut evergreen is a small tree that can be found throughout Connecticut. It has green needles and grows in a conical shape. This Connecticut tree is often used for hedges.

15. English Yew (taxus baccata)

Taxus Baccata
David Ceballos Taxus Baccata

This Connecticut evergreen is a small tree that can be found throughout Connecticut. It has green needles and grows in a conical shape. This Connecticut tree is frequently used for hedges.

16. Leyland Cypress (cupressus × leylandii)

cupressus × leylandii
W. Baumgartner cupressus × leylandii

This Connecticut evergreen is a medium-sized tree that can be found throughout Connecticut, but is most common in the southwest part of Connecticut. It has long narrow needles and grows in a pyramidal shape. This Connecticut tree prefers full sun and sandy soil.

17. Douglas Fir (pseudotsuga menziesii) 

Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii
Tom Brandt Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

This Connecticut tree is a popular Christmas tree, as its needles have a pleasant scent. It can be found throughout Connecticut and typically reaches heights of up to 200 feet tall. It has scaly dark blue-green or grayish green leaves and cones that are about 1 inch long.    

18. Blue Wonder Spruce Tree (picea glauca ‘blue wonder)

This Connecticut evergreen is a small tree that can be found in the northwestern part of Connecticut. It has blue-green needles and grows in a conical shape. This Connecticut tree is a popular choice for Christmas trees.

19. Austrian Pine Tree (pinus nigra)

Pinus nigra
Ashley Basil Pinus nigra

This Connecticut tree is a popular choice for Christmas trees. It can be found throughout Connecticut and typically reaches heights of up to 150 feet tall. It has dark green needles and cones that are about 2 inches long.