Are Peace Lilies Poisonous?

Peace lilies are beautiful plants that produce a white flower. People often have them in their homes because they are easy to take care of and add tranquility to a room. Although they are called peace lilies, they are not a member of the lily family. They also absorb toxins in the home, such as benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

Peace lilies are poisonous. They contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause serious oral irritation if they are eaten. They can also cause an allergic reaction of swelling of the tongue, mouth, and lips. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is safe to have these plants in your home as long as nobody ingests them.

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Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to People?

Peace lilies are poisonous to people. This plant has broad leaves and beautiful white flowers. The effects of its poison can be mild, but it depends on how much is ingested. The sap and juice of the plant can actually interfere with the levels of calcium in the blood, which makes the blood toxic.

The sap and juice of this plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. They travel through the bloodstream to the kidneys. If people only ingest a small amount, they may experience minor symptoms.

If someone eats a larger amount, the symptoms will be more serious. They can suffer nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. They might have headaches and excessive salivation. It can lead to choking and kidney failure in some cases. It is common to have irritation and burning around the mouth, tongue, and lips. If you have a small child who eats the peace lily plant, you should seek medical attention right away.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Dogs?

Peace lilies are poisonous to dogs. If you have a peace lily plant in your house, make sure that your dog isn’t able to access it. Dogs will smell the plants and pick up parts of it in their mouths. Some dogs will actually eat the leaves or the flowers off of the plant.

As soon as this happens, the dog will start sneezing and coughing. It is likely that they will paw at their mouths. They can drool and foam at the mouth. The calcium oxalate is highly irritating. It can also cause an inflammatory reaction that causes the mouth and throat to swell. This can be serious.

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You should immediately clean the dog’s mouth with water and a wet cloth. If your dog is in distress, contact your vet. The vet will examine the dog and start treatment to counter the poison.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Cats?

Peace lilies are poisonous to cats. Most of the time, the problem occurs when your cat is curious and licks or bites the plant. The cat can have a reaction similar to that of dogs, where it has irritation in the mouth, eyes, and lips. It can cause swelling and excessive salivation. All parts of the plant have the microscopic crystals of calcium oxalate, and it can cause symptoms.

Most serious issues include nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you notice that your cat is in distress, it could have swelling and should go to the vet. Cats can rub against the plant and pick up the crystals in their fur. Then they can ingest it when they clean themselves. This plant is not a great match if you have cats in the house. You should make sure that the plant is completely out of reach, or you might want to choose a different plant.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Livestock?

Peace lilies are poisonous to horses, to sheep, to goats, and to chickens. However, they are tropical plants that are most commonly found as houseplants. Most livestock are not exposed to peace lilies, but if they are, they can have a negative reaction. Horses are likely to suffer from irritation to the mouth, the tongue, and the throat right away. You can try to flush your horse’s mouth with water.

Peace Lily
Yay Peace Lily

If your goat ingests peace lilies, it will have a similar effect. If you have goats or other farm animals, you shouldn’t grow this flower unless your garden is completely blocked off from the animals. Most of these animals won’t seek out the peace lily, but if they happen upon it, they may inadvertently ingest it.

Chickens are naturally curious, and they may peck around the peace lily. They can get ahold of the calcium oxalate and ingest it. The crystals can pierce into the esophagus and stomach, which can be painful for chickens.

It is important that you keep peace lilies out of reach of your chickens. Peace lilies are most hazardous to pets inside the home, but if you grow them outdoors, you should make sure that your animals can’t get to them.

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Wild Animals?

Peace lilies are more commonly found growing indoors. Deer will stay away from them if they are outside, but primarily because there are other plants that they find more appetizing. Peace lilies are poisonous to deer if they eat them, but they don’t normally come in contact with them.

They pose the same dangers and risks for other wild animals. Any animal or person who eats a plant with calcium oxalate crystals will immediately suffer from irritation. The symptoms will range from mild to severe depending on how much is ingested and whether or not there is an allergic reaction. Children, cats, and dogs are more likely to be exposed to this plant, but if you have it growing outside, other animals can come in contact with it.

Where Do Peace Lilies Grow?

Peace lilies are tropical plants that are part of the evergreen family. They normally grow low to the ground where they receive filtered sunlight and a lot of moisture. They require warm temperatures, so they grow in tropical regions of the Americas in dense forests. It is unlikely that you will have them growing in your yard unless you planted them.